The Adventure Awaits!

By LandCentral

Chances are you’ve heard—LandCentral has a pretty terrific sale going on this Labor Day Weekend. With low monthly financing and low-interest rates, now is a heck of a time to begin seriously considering purchasing land. But my goodness, there are so many options! It’s cool, we understand—it’s overwhelming. But fear not! Take a deep breath and read on…

It’s true—there are a myriad of options, but the first thing to do is to think seriously about this investment—about where you see yourself and your loved ones. On the coast? In the mountains? On a prairie farm? Once you have settled on a general idea here, begin to narrow down a region. Think about the kinds of climates you enjoy. Hot and dry? (Southwest, maybe?) Lush and rainy? (I’m thinkin’ Oregon here.) Seasonally defined? (Vermont, perhaps.) Once you have picked out a region, begin to narrow your search. Talk to friends and family for ideas. Think of places you have traveled to in the past—places which you have felt comfortable and excited. Perhaps you might see yourself owning land there?

One of the most important factors in purchasing land for sale is not in fact the quality of the land itself, but what surrounds it. A solid, caring, functional community makes all the difference in terms of persuading one to invest in land. Sure, the area might be gorgeous and the land ideal, but before you make the leap, it is crucial to get to know the locals.

Make a trip to your area of interest and have some face time with community members. Ask them specific questions about the region. It’s important to keep in mind during your research that tourism pages, while often informative, will only tout an area’s positive and exciting qualities—they’re trying to sell you their state/city. In order to dig deeper, one must pick the brains of the people who call this place home. How are the schools? What’s the mayor like? What is the vibe of the community? Stand off-ish? Close-knit? Too close-knit?

This can be a really fun part of the process. But beware that some smaller, more rural areas can be wary of the new guy/gal in town. Kindness, respect, and a genuine curiosity go a long way here. People love to talk about what they know well, and their community is often top of the list. So check out the local hotspots and get to know your possible future neighbors and neighborhoods. And with so many choices out there, you’re guaranteed to make some great new friends.

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