Land Value is Rising: How the Pandemic is Impacting Your Raw Land Investment
All across the US, the land value is rising. Learn how the pandemic is impacting your land value and investment and why now is the time to buy…
All across the US, the land value is rising. Learn how the pandemic is impacting your land value and investment and why now is the time to buy…
Investing in land is the fastest way to make your money work for you. But land can be expensive. And while you’re busy saving for your future, all the good land might be taken. Don’t wait for that “someday” to …
Cheap land is the foundation of the American dream. When the Declaration of Independence was written, we’d like to believe “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” included property too. Today, many Americans are on the move. Whether they’re looking …
Investing in real estate is not for the faint of heart. However, it’s not rocket science either. Understanding how to make money in the right market is critical to investing. Whether you’re planning on flipping a few houses, becoming a …
Living near water is a dream for many Americans. From that silent pull to the ocean shores to the midnight skinny dip in the local lake, humans have always been drawn to water. Not surprising since 70% of the human …
Have you ever wondered about the history of a property? Like who lived there before you? Was it ever used for anything other than a homestead? Or the main question on every new homeowner’s mind: has anyone ever died in …
Investing in real estate varies from coast to coast. While an acre of land is more valuable on the east coast, the west coast has more options available when looking for that acre. But this is nothing new. The east …
So you want an acre of land. You’re ready to grow crops, raise cattle and build your dream home without ever seeing a single neighbor. An acre of land should cover it, right? Maybe. To get a full understanding of …
The real estate market is booming right now. From coast to coast and even those flyover states in between, Americans everywhere are trading up. While hot spots like California and New York are still sought after places to live, …