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Water Treatment At Home

By Matt Valzania

It has previously been discussed how to set up your home both on and off the grid. This including sourcing a water supply. Once a supply is established, there may be a need for water treatment, depending on a number …

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Understanding Property Resources

By Josh Speiss

You found the perfect property, and now you’re looking into what you can do with it. In addition to the land, your new property is full of resources. Trees, minerals, and water are all valuable assets. LandCentral will help you …

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How Do I Get Water On My Property?

By LandCentral

So you found your perfect piece of land, and are in the process of building your dream home. The power has been connected to your property giving your builders the juice they need to run their tools. Now is the …

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Off The Grid Living Part One: Water Systems

By Matt Valzania

Have you been considering off the grid living? Maybe you just want to reduce your dependence on local utilities? Off the grid living is possible in just about every climate and with some careful planning, can be more rewarding than …

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