As we are heading into springtime, we are heading into the time of year when the mountain snows melt and winter thaws out. Most of the states are now dealing with an abundance of ground water. When you are referring to home and land ownership, this often makes you sit up a little straighter. Concerns over flooding, land erosion and landslides may be a worry. When you are starting fresh with a new property the last thing you want to do is start off with a red flag. Knowingly purchasing land in a flood zone or wetland area can make you understandably anxious.
Now flip your perspective – think of how appealing it is to buy waterfront property. Who wouldn’t want to be on a river, lake, or ocean with all the fun activities built right in to your day and beautiful water sunsets to watch at night? There is typically more privacy surrounding wetlands so you have more space to explore. So what is the REAL story here? Let’s look at some of pros and cons to these challenging land types.
Wetlands are protected environments that are either seasonably or permanently water soaked. In the most basic of terms, you can not build on a wetland. However, there are some permits you can get depending on the location of the wetland within your property. A professional consultant should be hired to ensure that building on the property would be not only permittable, but also possible. If you do purchase a wetland, the most common goal is to preserve the land in support of conservationism. These lands purify the water, actually help with flood control of the developed land in surrounding areas, and perhaps most importantly, sustain wildlife. These do not make ideal properties for development. Yet they are beautiful, often misunderstood properties that play a critical role in our environments. The value to these properties is a more idyllic one.
When considering purchasing in a flood zone, the possibilities open up more. A little education goes a long way here. You are very much at the whim of Mother Nature, but if that doesn’t intimidate you, then let’s keep going.
Insuring your property has a higher cost in a flood zone. As with all development, you should consult with experts to ensure you have the right insurance and the right development plan in order to successfully build. Know the four flood zones: V Zone, A Zone, X Zone and D Zone and know what the impact is on your plans for developing the property.
As with any investment, whether it be purely financial or property, doing your due diligence is an absolute must. Once you have crossed your t’s and dotted your i’s, you should always let your heart weigh in. If you feel a strong connection to a property and recognize all the pieces that are part of the puzzle, you can go into your investment confident with the knowledge that you are prepared for all that the property will provide.