Known for rugged landscape, wildlife, and glaciers, Anchorage is the icing on the cake for a roadtrip that crossed the country
With so many daylight hours, the Landers can really spend a ton of time exploring the area. Having spent the last few stops on their trip in high heat, Anchorage is a refreshing change. Sweatshirts and sunglasses in hand, they head out.
The family starts their morning together savoring Sticky Buns and Reindeer Sausage at Snow City Cafe. From there, Papa grabs a Java at the iconic Kaladi’s and then weaves his way through the city for the day. Lunch of pizza and a beer at Moose’s Tooth shows Papa just what casual gourmet really is. A visit to Wild Scoops provides Papa with a microcreamery dessert to tide him over until dinner. Keeping up with the locals, dinner is at the Rustic Goat. With unbelievable views and incredible food, Papa is feeling like this was a full day well spent.
Mama, Sally and Sam concur. This trio stick together on their Anchorage adventure, finding that so many of their interests intersect beautifully here. They first visit the Roundhouse Museum. A mountaintop museum, it affords the family a view of Anchorage’s history, while also affording them a view like no other from the octagonal warming hut/museum. Then they head to the Crow Creek Historic Gold Mine to spend a “day in the life” of a gold miner, panning for nuggets themselves! With a few flakes of gold now in the pockets, they head to the Alaska Native Heritage Center to see the richness of the native culture. There is so much to take in and with the inspirational views of the Alaskan landscape all around, theirs souls feel well-fed.
Jack and Jill use their time to take a sustainable travel tour with Gondwana Ecotours. From grizzlies to moose, whales to eagles, valleys, glaciers, and fjords, the only limitation they have is time.
At the end of the long day, the Landers feel like there just hasn’t been enough time to fully feel what local life would be like in a place like Anchorage. Then again, that sentiment seems to run true for every place they have visited. The vastness of our country is undeniable and awe inspiring.